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aus: "Über Alles"
Rio Reiser (1994)



/APP92/ P. A. Appino, J. B. Lewis, L. Koved, D.T. Ling, D. A. Rabenhorst, C. F. Codella: An Architecture for Virtual Worlds. Presence, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 1992, pp. 1-17

/BER94/ J. E. Berger, L. T. Dinh, M. F. Masiello, J. N. Schell: NVR: A System for Networked Virtual Reality. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Boston, Massachusetts, May 1994

/BLO92/ J. Bloomer: Power Programming with RPC. O'Reilley & Associates 1992; BIM: 24.542.- 126

/BRI94/ W. Bricken, G. Coco: The VEOS Project. Presence Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 111-129, Spring 1994

/BRO94/ C. Brown: UNIX Distributed Programming. Prentice Hall 1994; BIM: 24.542.- 164(2)

/CAR93/ Carlsson, Hagsand: DIVE - a Multi-User Virtual Reality System. in Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS) September 1993, (Seattle, WA), pp. 394-400

/COD92/ C. Codella, R.Jalili, L. Koved, J. B. Lewis, D. T. Ling, J. S. Lipscomb, D. A. Rabenhorst, C. P. Wang: Interactive Simulation in a Multi-Person Virtual World. in Proceedings of CHI '92, pp. 329-334

/COD93/ C. Codella, R.Jalili, L. Koved, J. B. Lewis: A Toolkit for Developing Multi-User, Distributed Virtual Environments. in Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS) September 1993, (Seattle, WA), pp. 401-407

/CRI91/ C. Grimsdale: dVS Distributed Virtual Environment System. Computer Animation, virtual reality, Visualisation 1991; Blenheim Online, Pinner, Middlesex, pp.163-170

/DIS/ IEEE 1278 series: Distributed Interactive Simulation

/EXPR/ ISO Norm 10303 (STEP); Part 11, Part 21-26

/FUN95/ T. A. Funkhouser: RING: A Client-Server System for Multi-User Virtual Environments. in Proceedings of 1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Computer Graphics, Monterey CA USA, pp. 85-92

/GIB87/ W. Gibson: Neuromancer. Heyne Verlag München 1987, ISBN: 3-453-05665-5

/GRE95/ C. Greenhalgh, S. Benford: MASSIVE: a Distributed Virtual Reality System Incorporating Spatial Trading. in Proceedings of the 15. International Conference on Distributed Computing, Vancouver, Can 1995

/HAL96/ B. Hall: Beej's Guide to Network Programming. 1995,1996

/HEN96/ D. Hennessy, A. Patterson: Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. ; San Francisco, California; 1990, 1996; ISBN 1-55860-329-8

/JOS96/ N. Josuttis: Die C++ Standardbibliothek, Eine detaillierte Einführung in die vollständige ANSI/ISO-Schnittstelle. Addison-Wesley 1996, BIM: 24.535.8.- 110

/KAL93/ R. S. Kalawsky: The Science of Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments. Addison Wesley 1993, ISBN: 0-201-63171-7, BIM: 24.645.- 31

/KAT96/ R. Katz: Computer Architecture. Course in Computer Science; University of California, Berkeley; Lec. 2, p 8.

/KAZ93a/ R. Kazman: Making WAVES: On the Design of Architectures for Low-end Distributed Virtual Environments. in Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS) September 1993, (Seattle, WA), pp. 443-449.

/KAZ93b/ R. Kazman: Load Balancing, Latency Management and Separation of Concerns in a Distributed Virtual World.unpublished Paper, 1993

/KAZ95/ R. Kazman: HIDRA: An Architecture for Highly Dynamic Physically Based Multi-Agent Simulations. International Journal in Computer Simulation, 5, 1995, pp. 149-164.

/KIL96/ M. J. Kilgard: OpenGL Programming for the X-Window System Addison Wesley Developer Press 1996

/LAM78/ L. Lamport: Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a distributed System. Communications of the ACM; Volume 21, Number 7, July 1978

/LEE94a/ T. Berners Lee: Uniform Resource Identifiers in WWW. RFC 1630; CERN 1994

/LEE94b/ T. Berners Lee, L. Masinter, M. McCahill: Uniform Resource Locators (URL). RFC 1738; 1994

/LIN96/ P. van der Linden: Java pur, Hintergründe und Entwicklung. Heinz Heise Verlag 1996, ISBN: 3-88229-086-2, BIM: 24.78.- 273

/LOO91/ P. L. Loo: The Starship Manual (Version 2.0). ISS TR#91-54-0. Institute of Systems Science. National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore 0511; 1991

/LOO91a/ D. E. Loomer: Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol 1, Principles, Protocol and Architecture. Chapter 11; Prentice Hall 1991 ISBN: 0-13-468505-9, BIM: 24.78.-.138.1

/LOO91b/ D. E. Loomer: Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol 1, Principles, Protocol and Architecture. Chapter 17; Prentice Hall 1991 ISBN: 0-13-468505-9, BIM: 24.78.-.138.1

/MAC94/ M. R. Macedonia, M. J. Zyda, D. R. Pratt, P. T. Barham, S. Zeswitz: NPSNET: A Network Software Architecture for Large Scale Virtual Environments. Presence, Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 1994, pp. 265-287

/MEI96/ M. Meister, Y. Benger: Vademekum für das Internet. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 1996, ISBN: 3-86068-046-3


J. Neider, T.Davis, M. Woo: OpenGL Programming Guide. Addison Wesley 1993, ISBN: 0.-201-63274-8, BIM: 24.737.-35:1


B. Nichols, D. Buttlar, J. Proulx Farrwell: Pthreads Programming. O'Reilly & Associates 1996, BIM: 24.542.- 217


NSF Invitational Workshop, 23.-24. 3. 1992: Reseach direction in virtual Environments. Report of an NSF Invitational Workshop; in Computer Graphics Volume 26; Number 3 August 1992; pp 153-177.


S.T. Pope, L. E. Fahlen: The Use of 3-D Audio in a Synthetic Environment: An Aural Renderer for a Distributed Virtual Reality System. in Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS) September 1993, (Seattle, WA), pp. 176-182


L. F. Pusch: Das Deutsche als Männersprache. Suhrkamp Verlag Frankfurt/Main 1984, ISBN: 3-518-13324-1


S. A. Rago: UNIX System V Network Programming. Addison-Wesley 1993


H. Regenbrecht: Virtuelle Realität und Design. Diplomarbeit. Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar - Universität 1994


D. Schmalstieg, M. Gervautz: Towards a Virtual Environment for interactive World Building. MVD '95, Modelling - Virtual Worlds - Distributed Graphics, Bad Honnef / Bonn, Germany; Nov. 1995


D. Schmalstieg, M. Gervautz: Demand-Driven Geometry Transmission for Distributed Virtual Environments. Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS '96, Computer Graphics Forum Volume 15, Number 3, pp. C-421- 432


C. Shaw, J. Liang, M. Green, Y. Sun: The decoupled Simulation Model for Virtual Reality Systems. Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI'92, Conference Proceedings, Monterey, California, pp 321-328; May 1992


C. Shaw, J. Liang, M. Green, Y. Sun: Decoupled Simulation in Virtual Reality with the MR Toolkit. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 11; ACM SIGCHI ; July 1993


C. Shaw, M. Green: The MR Toolkit Peers Package and Experiment. in Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS) September 1993, (Seattle, WA), pp. 463-469


G. Singh, L. Serra, W. Png, H. Ng: BrickNet: A Software Toolkit for Network-Based Virtual Worlds. Presence Vol. 3, No. 1, Winter 1994, pp. 19-34


S. K. Singhal, D. R. Cheriton: Exploiting Position History for Efficient Remote Rendering in Networked Virtual Reality. Presence, Vol. 4, No. 2, Spring 1995, pp 169-193


D. N. Snowdon, A. J. West: AVIARY: Design Issues for future Large-Scale Virtual Environments. Presence, Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 1994, pp. 288-308


W. R. Stevens: Programmieren von UNIX-Netzen, Grundlagen, Programmierung, Anwendung. Hanser, Prentice Hall 1992


Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide. Silicon Graphics Inc.; 1996


I. Sutherland: The ultimate display. Proceedings of the IFIP Congress; pp. 506-508; 1965


J. Vince: Virtual Reality systems. ACM Press; 1995, ISBN: 0-201-87687-6, BIM: 24.645.- 37


Q. Wang, M. Green, C. Shaw: EM - An Environment Manager For Building Networked Virtual Environments. in Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS) 1995, Seattle, WA; Chapter 29, pp. 11-18


G. R. Wright, W. R. Stevens: TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2, the Implementation. Addison-Wesley 1995; ISBN: 0-201-63354-X; BIM: 24.78.- 151:2


K. Zuse: Der Computer mein Lebenswerk. Springer Verlag 1993, ISBN: 3-540-56292-3, BIM: 24.00.- 22

letzte Änderung: 11.05.1999, marko[at]netz-meister[punkt]de